目前分類:好音樂 (8)

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友情 無聲降臨 我回味從前 想起了你

心中泛起了一波波漣漪 雖有時嘔氣卻還是珍惜

朋友 曾經相惜 我站在窗前 靜靜回憶

臉上浮起了一絲絲笑意 心中雖有時感到空虛卻依舊溫馨

今年夏天是個充滿希望的季節 我們就要說再見

不知何時會相見 曾相處的畫面 不停重複上映在眼前

今年夏天有種令人不捨的感覺 徘徊在你我之間

抹去彼此流下的淚水 重新展開笑顏 各自踏上錦繡的明天


友情 不曾離去 我想起從前 好多美麗

人生不一定會一切順利 但我會將你放在心裡 替自己打氣

今年夏天是個充滿希望的季節 我們就要說再見

不知何時會相見 曾相處的畫面 不停重複上映在眼前

今年夏天有種令人不捨的感覺 徘徊在你我之間

抹去彼此流下的淚水 重新展開笑顏 各自踏上錦繡的明天

今年夏天是個離情依依的季節 我們友情到永遠

對你說一聲再會 輕輕畫上句點 最美的句點

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p.s ktv版本(ap網誌 就甘心ㄟ)

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Maroon 5 makes me wonder
Has not listened to be a pity

I wake up with blood-shot eyes
Struggled to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs
Pleasure that made you cry

Feels so good to be bad
Not worth the aftermath, after that
After that
Try to get you back

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a ***** about you

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye

God damn, my spinning head
Decisions that made my bed
Now I must lay in it
And deal with things I left unsaid

I want to dive into you
Forget what you're going through
I get behind, make your move
Forget about the truth

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a ***** about you

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try

And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye

I've been here before
One day a week
And it won't hurt anymore
You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi
The word is set on how to mean me

I still don't have the reason
And you don't have the time
And it really makes me wonder
If I ever gave a ***** about you
And I...and so this is goodbye

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference,
It even makes a difference to try

And you told me how you're feeling
But I don't believe it's true anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to cry
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye
(Oh no)

So this is goodbye, yeah
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye, yeah
(Oh no)
So this is goodbye, yeah

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just like a star across my sky, 流星像風箏般劃過天際

just like an angel off the page, 你像書中走出的精靈

you have appeared to my life, 守護著我

feel like i’ll never be the same. 從那刻起 生命終將出現奇蹟

just like a song in my heart, 愛的樂音在心中響起

just like oil on my hands, 撫慰我流淚手心

honour to love you. 我是這樣的愛你

still i wonder why it is, 反覆思索

i don’t argue like this 反覆問自己

with anyone but you. 為何那麼在乎你

we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力

blowing out my mind. 讓我神魂顛倒

you’ve got this look i can’t describe, 你難以言喻的身影容顏

you make me feel i’m alive, 讓我魂縈夢繫

when everything else is au fait, 就算失去一切

without a doubt you’re on my side. 我確信你會 一直在我身旁守候

heaven has been away too long, 幸福天堂懸在風箏的那端

can’t find the words to write this song of your love. 愛說不出口 我只好寫這首歌給你

still i wonder why it is, 反覆思索

i don’t argue like this 反覆問自己

with anyone but you. 為何在乎你的一切

we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力

blowing out my mind. 讓我神魂顛倒

now i have come to understand the way it is 愛、就是你

its not a secret anymore, 絕、不掩飾

‘cause we’ve been through that before. 愛的軌跡點點滴滴

from tonight i know that you’re the only one. 從今以後你是我的最愛

i’ve been confused and in the dark, 走出迷失徬徨無助的我

now i understand. 終於明白 你就是唯一

i wonder why it is, 反覆思索

i don’t argue like this 反覆問自己

with anyone but you. 為何在乎你的一切

i wonder why it is, 反覆思索

i won’t let my guard down 為何對你

to anyone but you. 無力抗拒

we do it all the time, 這就是愛的魔力

blowing out my mind 讓我神魂顛倒

just like a star across my sky, 流星像風箏般劃過天際

just like an angel off the page, 你像書中走出的精靈

you have appeared to my life, 守護著我

feel like i’ll never be the same. 從那刻起 生命終將出現奇蹟

just like a song in my heart, 愛的樂音在心中響起

just like oil on my hands 撫慰我流淚手心

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我坐著聽了一小時  完全沒做什麼事  就只有聽


曲目 :

01.Love Song
11.愛愛愛 (Acoustic Version)



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1. ギャンブル 賭局
2. 茎 莖
3. 錯乱 錯亂(TERRA ver.)
4. ハツコイ娼女 初戀娼女
5. MANGOS 木瓜芒果
6. 意識
7. 浴室
8. 迷彩
9. ポルターガイスト 鬧鬼
10. カリソメ乙女 短暫少女(TAMEIKESANNOH ver.)
11. 花魁
12. 夢のあと 夢醒之後
13. この世の限り 世界的盡頭

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